
Delay Repay Costing

Analysis of performance data to estimate the cost of delay repay changes.

Sea-Tac Maintenance and Reliability modelling.

Development of a maintenance system foe Sea-Tac airport

Yield Group Remapping

Analyzing the impact of yield group mapping on ticket sales.

Distributed Road Maintenance Sensor Network

An investigation into distributed sensor nets for efficient road maintenance.

HS2 Health and safety analysis.

A data driven deep dive into large rail project health and safety.

West Midlands Franchise Bid

Technical analyst for the wet midlands franchise bid assessment.

Northern and Transpennine Express franchise bid assessment.

Data analyst and developer for the Northern/TPE bid assessment team.

Remote Sensors Pilot

Developed a remote sensors technology demonstrator package.

Modelling Automated Train Operation integration.

Modelling the Hertford Loop ATO facility for testing Automatic Train Operation

Schedule 8 recalibration.

Re-calibrating the Schedule 8 costs and benchmarks for CP5